Monthly Archives: May 2009

POWs who weren’t, cont’d

A concern with bogus POWs suggests I have a problem with — well, bogus POWs. Should it not bother us when people masquerading as POWs are collecting benefits and kudos and sympathies they didn’t earn — and which others earned through rather excruciating means?

Deficit I mean Health Care Reform: Eye-popping chart dept.

“That orange line headed heaven-ward? That’s our deficit. All those other lines dipping down? That’s our deficit if we had the same health care spending per person as France, Germany, Canada, and the UK (all countries, incidentally, with higher life expectancies than our own).”

The power of conformity: Candid Camera elevator psychology

Most of us recognize the power of the urge to conform , but you don’t often see it evoked and displayed so starkly as in this old Candid Camera segment.

An optimistic take on health-care reform

“he opponents of health reform are, at this juncture, entirely isolated….”

Effect Measure on what “so far, so good” means

While approaching an intersection you see a truck on the intersecting road is fixing to run the stop sign and smash you. You slam on the brakes — as the truck driver slams on his. You release the brakes and roll through unharmed. Have you overreacted?