It was a riveting, invigorating, almost intoxicating experience. It seemed a glimpse of the sort of honesty, rigor, transparency, and quality of thought and discussion that a more open system of science communication and discussion might generate.
Monthly Archives: January 2010
The Rise Of Marketing-Based Medicine (via Pharmalot)
by David Dobbs •
The Rise Of Marketing-Based Medicine 64 Comments By Ed Silverman // January 28th, 2010 // 7:57 am You’ve heard of evidence-based medicine. Well, a new paper summarizes a panoply of practices employed over the past two decades or so – ghostwriting, suppressing or spinning data, disease mongering and managing side effect perceptions among docs –…
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Hits of the week past
by David Dobbs •
The week’s best — with new features!
Chess computing as a metaphor for Pharma. Who knew?
by David Dobbs •
Gary Kasparov ponders the limitations of technology as a means of playing chess truly well. His critique could be applied equally well to pharma.
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Democrats Now See ‘No Rush’ on Health Care Bill
by David Dobbs •
Healthcare reform? Were we talking about healthcare reform?
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Why do antidepressants work only for the deeply depressed? A neuroskeptical look
by David Dobbs •
Neuroskeptic takes a sharp look at how our expanding definition of depression paralleled our expanding use of antidepressants — and perhaps led to antidepressant’s poor performance in the less severely depressed. T
Rice, alcohol, and really fast evolution in humans
by David Dobbs •
Really fast evolution, this time driven by agriculture.
Ezra Klein – America spends way, way, way more on health care
by David Dobbs •
We don’t have a government-run system. But our system is so expensive that our government’s partial role is pricier than the whole of government-run systems. via Absorb that: Our supposedly efficient supposedly free-market healthcare system costs us more in government spending alone than other countries spend on government-run systems. Posted via web from David…
NEJM study finds post-event morphine cuts combat PTSD rates in half
by David Dobbs •
This is a pretty big deal if it holds up in future trials.
Rebooting science journalism -mixed-metaphor notes on the upcoming yakfest
by David Dobbs •
Ask not whom to kill, but how sci journalism and/or sci journalists might adapt to a new environment.