Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Rise Of Marketing-Based Medicine (via Pharmalot)

The Rise Of Marketing-Based Medicine 64 Comments By Ed Silverman // January 28th, 2010 // 7:57 am You’ve heard of evidence-based medicine. Well, a new paper summarizes a panoply of practices employed over the past two decades or so – ghostwriting, suppressing or spinning data, disease mongering and managing side effect perceptions among docs –…

Chess computing as a metaphor for Pharma. Who knew?

Gary Kasparov ponders the limitations of technology as a means of playing chess truly well. His critique could be applied equally well to pharma.

Democrats Now See ‘No Rush’ on Health Care Bill

Healthcare reform? Were we talking about healthcare reform?

Ezra Klein – America spends way, way, way more on health care

We don’t have a government-run system. But our system is so expensive that our government’s partial role is pricier than the whole of government-run systems. via Absorb that: Our supposedly efficient supposedly free-market healthcare system costs us more in government spending alone than other countries spend on government-run systems. Posted via web from David…