When you need health care, you enter not a market but a con game in which you’re first a guarantor and source of profit, and second a patient. Wired Science blogger David Dobbs explains why the government needs to step up.
Monthly Archives: February 2013
Three Questions for Jonah Lehrer
by David Dobbs •
Jonah Lehrer was one of the first writers I befriended as I went into science writing. I did so before he published his first book. We became friends, blogged beside and often in response to one another first at ScienceBlogs and then here at Wired, and collaborated both at Scientific American’s Mind Matters, which I…
Brains and Behavior, Uncategorized
Yes, You CAN Do Evo Psych Well. Kate Clancy Tells How.
by David Dobbs •
There are so many ways to go wrong in evolutionary psychology. Kate Clancy does us the tremendous favor of specifying how to do evo psych right. Invaluable reading. Here’s the pith: For something to be an evolutionarily stable strategy it has to fit a few conditions: You need clear evidence it is an adaption, which…
Crazy Ass Russian Vehicle Screws Its Way Through Anything
by David Dobbs •
The real action starts at 6.55 into the vid. (Though the whole thing’s great.) Military efforts often create some cool stuff that never gets used. Some you take one look at and know why. Others you wonder why you haven’t seen them IRL. This one, I’m thinking, would serve well up here in Vermont…