Monthly Archives: December 2013

Aglitter in the Net: Sparkly things from the past week or so


  A team from the Antarctic Heritage Trust found some century-old negatives from the Shackleton’s 1914-1917 expedition. Some lovely photos, like that above, amidst them. Note the artful use of three men at varying distances to capture a sense of depth the photo would otherwise lack. Shackleton took some good photographers. Story at Imaging Resource.…

Small Town Noir: One town’s criminal treasures


I wish I could remember who pointed this out on Twitter: Small Town Noir. A wonderland of strange stories and mug shots, from back in the day. On the back of Harold Kelty’s mug shot, a police officer wrote, “With Bill Harlan and John Hawk, stuck up Hutchinson Gas Station near New Wilmington, Pa.” The…

“Thank God toddlers don’t carry guns.” On the roots of violence.

My latest at the New York Times looks at the work of child psychologist Richard Tremblay, who finds that violent criminals don’t become violent — they just stay that way. To understand the violent criminal, says Richard E. Tremblay, imagine a 2-year-old boy doing the things that make the terrible twos terrible — grabbing, kicking,…

“Die, Selfish Gene, Die” Has Evolved

Hopper or locust? Photo by scarymonkeyshow.

This morning Aeon published a revised version of my story “Die, Selfish Gene, Die,” which originally ran last Tuesday. The title is the same, the subtitle altered: Die, selfish gene, die For decades, the selfish gene metaphor let us view evolution with new clarity. Is it now blinding us? In the original (as in the…

Is Everyday Math The Worst Math Program Ever?

Does this add up? Everyday Math is drill free. It’s jargon full. Complaints are widespread that it is confusing for parents and children. And it doesn’t build on concepts or scaffold understanding. It has children learn 2 plus 2 in 500 different ways, many of which involve answering questions like, “How did Tanya add two…

Jerry Coyne Mucks Up and Misreads “Die, Selfish Gene, Die”

Below is a corrective comment I left below Jerry Coyne’s second of two posts (his first is here) critiquing “Die, Selfish Gene, Die,” my recent article in Aeon about complaints from some biologists that the “Selfish Gene” framing of genetics and evolution was hindering both public and scientific understanding of genetics and evolution. This is rather a tempest…

23andMe Ceases Providing Health-Risk Info; Ancestry Only Now

The company announced today that in reaction to the FDA’s order to marketing health-related information based on its genetic testing, it will cease providing that information to anyone who signed on after the FDA sent its letter on November 22, 2013. MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–23andMe Inc., the leading personal genetics company, today announced that it…