Today I was on WNYC’s Leonard Lopate Show talking about “The Social Life of Genes,” a feature I wrote that will appear appeared in Pacific Standard’s Sept/Oct issue.
Day by day, week by week, your genes are in a conversation with your social world. Your neighbors, your friends, your family: They don’t just get under your skin, they get into the control rooms of your cells.
It’s in print issues now en route to newsstands and mailboxes, and will be online on September 3, 2013. It has killer bees, mass kidnappings, a fish that thinks he’s Arnold Schwarzenegger, and yet more evidence that you need to forget about nature-versus-nurture and genes-versus-environment and focus on the conversation between the two. That conversation is happening in you, right now. It’s called gene expression. It’s listening particularly closely to what your social life (and you) say about the world.
You can listen to the segment on the Leonard Lopate show here:
Or link to it here:
Cover story at Pacific Standard :