What caught my eye the last few days
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What caught my eye the last few days
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People with Tourette’s seem to have heightened cognitive control. Is that part of Tourette’s — or a compensation developed in response to it?
I’ve got an q&a interview up over at Research Digest, one in their The Bloggers Behind the Blog series. Here are a few key tidbits.
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Many significant human pleasures are universal,” Bloom writes. “But they are not biological adaptations. They are byproducts of mental systems that have evolved for other purposes.” Evolutionary psychologists like Bloom are fond of explaining perplexing psychological attributes this way. These traits emerged, the argument goes, as accidental accompaniments to other traits that help us survive…
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I like the title. That’s Wallace: Smarter than you think. And even smarter than you think or remember Wallace is from last time you read him.
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Could the chair you sit in shape your psychotherapy session?
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I’m ‘posed to be writing, really writing (insert argument over what’s really writing in comments), but hit so many juicy bits in my morning read today I wanted to share. Here’s my eclectic mix for the day:
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Jesse Bering of Bering in Mind — already posted Anthony Risser of Brain blog. (coming soon) David DiSalvo of Brain spin and Neuronarrative. (coming soon) Petra Boynton of Dr Petra. (coming soon) Vaughan Bell of Mind Hacks. (coming soon) Mo Costandi of Neurophilosphy. (coming soon) David Dobbs of Neuron Culture. (coming soon) Neuroskeptic of Neuroskeptic. (coming soon) Hesitant Iconoclast of Neurowhoa! (coming soon) Dave Munger of Research Blogging and Cognitive Daily. (coming soon) Wray Herbert of We’re Only Human & Full Frontal Psychology. (coming soon) If you know even some of these blogs, you know this promises a rich series.
I love this. The history of science is almost always richer and more variant-rich than we imagine.
The quality of an engagement must count for something, and engagements — whether with media or another person — aren’t automatically more valuable because they occur online.