Monthly Archives: January 2012

Glowing Maps of Scientific Collaboration

This lovely map of scientific collaboration is done by research analyst Olivier Beauchesne at Science-Metrixm who examined scientific collaboration around the world from 2005 to 2009.  I love the way the patterns in the EU, so dense and flaring, look like the center of an explosion. Here’s the same EU pattern up close: I would bet…

Neuron Culture to SOPA: Drop Dead

I’m stealing this direct from my colleague Maryn McKenna, who keeps the fabulous SuperBug blog here at Wired. Much of the Internet is dark today, to protest the ludicrous law known as SOPA. Here are some links, from McKenna, with which to eduficate yourself about his awful proposed legislation: Constant readers: Today, Wikipedia is locked, Boing Boing…

Tortoise Sex, Via the Eyes of Lucky Jack Aubrey

One of the many pleasures of Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey-Maturin novels, which follow through 20.5 volumes the Napoleonic-era adventures of British Royal Navy Caption Jack Aubrey and his surgeon/spy/naturalist Stephen Maturin, are the closely observed and imagined encounters with wildlife. O’Brian, being the masterful novelist he is, never just shows us the wildlife; we see that…