Monthly Archives: July 2009

Quick dip: Schizophrenia genes, dark nighties of the soul, et alia

I must keep my nose on the not-beta, hidden-till-last-minute, writing-Not-For-FREE grindstone, where it’s getting shredded to bits — but in the meantime, wanted to pass on these worthy web distractions, worthy of full engagement if you’ve the time

DSM-V Psych Bus hits more big potholes; passengers bail

As prominent neuroscientist Jane Costello resigns in protest from the DSM-V committee, Danny Carlat says the process near meltdown:

Top Neuron Culture posts from June

In case you missed them (or miss them, and want to read again …)

When fighting insurgents, eat with the locals

“There’s a reason that counterinsurgency mantras include Get Off The FOB and Don’t Commute To The Fight. The greater the distance — not just physically, but also culturally — from a populace, the fewer opportunities U.S. troops have to demonstrate to that populace that U.S. actions are in their interest.”