Monthly Archives: May 2010

Biophemera on civility and tensions among blogospheria

  When Jessica Palmer gave a talk at the “Unruly Democracy” conference last month, she gave what appears, from her after-the-fact blog post excerpted here, to have been a semi-contrarian take on blogospheric civiility: What I did endeavor to convey in my brief talk was the difficulty of blogging on interdisciplinary borders, where science meets…

Lights, genes, action

This is a very slick tool that seems almost too far out to actually work. It lets you use light to turn brain circuits on and off at will, and with great precision. It’s not simple to construct. But once constructed, it works simply.

Werner Herzog asks: Where’s Waldo?

Go now. Take the journey. There you will also find Herzog reading Curious George and Madeleine.