Monthly Archives: July 2013

Today’s Reads: Berlin photofest, awesome genetics, poisonous solitary, funky smell, and Foucaultian creationism


The first in a semi-daily posting of links I’ve enjoyed. Genetics Are Awesome – Imgur  Mind-blowing photos that stitch together faces of close relatives. Vid version here.   Berlin and Munich Revisited  - A photoblog by the fabulous PD Smith, author of City, as he (re)visits one of the great ones.   Is long-term solitary confinement torture?…

Chickens, William Blake, and Why The Limits of Science Don’t Matter


I’ve been slowly reading Roy Bedichek’s splendid and horrifically overlooked Adventures With A Texas Naturalist —  a 50-year-old book  fresh as any new bloom,  packed with smart talk about science  slipped into fine-grained observations about swallows, frogs, or, in this case, chickens. His family kept chickens when he was a boy growing up in Texas. How,…