Monthly Archives: September 2013

Marc Hauser’s Evilicious Rebound From Fraud Draws Generous Puffs


Having written quite a bit about the ruckus raised when Harvard psychologist Marc Hauser was caught fabricating data and committing other acts of scientific misconduct, forcing his resignation, I was intrigued to hear he was self-publishing a book titled Evilicious. (Not making this up.) Today, Ivan Oransky at Retraction watch looks at an odd and…

Selected sources for “The Social Life of Genes”

Finally made time to create a list of selected reading/sources for my Pacific Standard article “The Social Life of Genes.” (A few of you had asked.) The list is below, and also at Alaux, C, S Sinha, and L Hasadsri. 2009. “Honey Bee Aggression Supports a Link Between Gene Regulation and Behavioral Evolution.” In PNAS,…

They Blew Up A Building Where DeBakey Made Surgical History and I Was Almost Born


  Do all buildings hold secrets like this? Likely so. I just happen to know these two. Above you can see the planned implosion, carried out yesterday, of the decades-old Macy’s department store (formerly Foley’s’ department store) in downtown Houston. When Samuel Arbesman alerted me to a notice of this at The Atlantic Cities site, I…

Talking Social Life of Genes & other topics today at 6pm EDT


Today at 6pm Eastern time, I”ll be on the program Virtually Speaking Science, where MIT science-writing professor Tom Levenson and I will discuss my recent Pacific Standard cover story, “The Social Life of Genes“; my book-in-progress, The Orchid and the Dandelion;  the states of flux that genetics, neuroscience, and science writing find themselves in these days; and anything…

A-glitter in the Net – Best reads and links Sept 13 2013

Paperscape interactive map of scientific research papers

SCIENCE Don’t miss David Quammen’s gorgeous, moving review of George Johnson’s beautiful masterwork, Cancer Chronicles. I read some great stuff this week, but nothing that moved me more than this. Brendan Borrell with an incredible story about a frog taxonomist who hops back in time to refresh the work of another, quite strange frog taxonomist who was…

A’glitter in the Net: Recent readings, Sept 6 2013

Some of the more intriguing posts and links from my recent internet fishing trips. Apologies for all the great stuff I’ve missed. Been busy, plus doubtless forgot a few. Science How City Living Is Reshaping the Brains and Behavior of Urban Animals Brill piece by Brandon Keim — a model of science reporting: clear exposition, splendid…

How Your Friends Get Into Your Genes And Save Your Life – “The Sociable Genome”


I’ve a new feature, “The Social Life of Genes,” in Pacific Standard. It involves bees, birds, monkeys, and how our social life and our genes constantly converse, reshaping us (and our social life) as they go. One of the main characters is a young UCLA psychoneuroimmunologist named Steve Cole, who in the 1990s, reviewing the  health…